About AIM

Asosiasi Mikronasional se-Indonesia atau disingkat AIM, merupakan Organisasi pertama untuk Mikronasi di Indonesia. Didirikan pada 11 Juli 2011, oleh dua pemimpin dari Indokistan dan Los Bay Petros, Nabil Ihsan dan Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman.


Organisasi ini didirikan pada 11 Juli 201, setelah dua pemimpin, Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman dan Nabil Ihsan dibahas beberapa syaratt\ untuk Organisasi, seperti seperti Logo, Tujuan dan lainnya.

Pemilihan untuk memilih Sekretaris Jenderal dan Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal akan diselenggarakan segera.


Ada 3 anggota dalam organisasi ini, 2 diantaranya adalah pendiri Organisasi:

     Los Bay Petros - Pendiri
     Indokistan - Pendiri


Association of Indonesian Micronations (Bahasa Indonesia: Asosiasi Mikronasional se-Indonesia) or abbreviated as AIM, is the first Organisation for Indonesian Micronations. Established in July 11th 2011, by two leaders from Indokistan and Los Bay Petros, Nabil Ihsan and Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman.


This organization was established in July 11th 201, after two leaders, Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman and Nabil Ihsan discussed some foundation for the Organization, such like the Logo, Goal and other foundations.

The elections for elect the Secretary General and the Vice-Secretary General will be held immediately.


There are 3 members in this organization, 2 of them are the founders of the Organization:


Our users

Here you can describe a typical user and why this project is important to them. It is good to motivate your visitors so that they come back to your website.

History of project

In this part you can describe the project's history and give reasons for its creation. It is convinient to mention project milestones and honor participating people.